With you all the time! Who will be my soulmate? I love this song! I love his voice! With You All The Time I live beneath the heart 我住在心的下方I watch you from the dark 我在暗處窺伺你 I'm every breath I'm every dream 我是每個呼吸 我是每個夢 I've known you 面膜forever 我已認識你有永遠那麼久 I've followed you everywhere 我已跟隨你到過天涯海角 I'm every scar I'm who you are 我是每道傷疤 我是另一個你 When you think you're alone 當你以為孤單寂寞 When you cry cause the world's unfair 當你為世間的不公而哭泣 You can 租屋網rest assured I'm always there 你可以放心 我始終守候著你 Even when you feel like you don't belong 即使你覺得無依無靠 Even when you fall and it all goes wrong 即使你覺得命運乖舛 You know that I'm with you 你知道我就在你身旁 That I'm with you all the time 一直守個人信貸候著你 Say a little prayer for the restless heart 為不安的心祈禱吧 We shall never ever drift apart 我們將永不分離 Know that I'm with you 你知道我就在你身旁 Know that I'm with you 你知道我就在你身旁 With you all the time 一直守候著你 I’m walking round the room 我環繞著ARMANI房間走著 I’m laughing when you smile 你微笑時我也開懷大笑 And when you cry I cry too 你哭泣時我也跟著掉淚 I made you a promise 我向你保證 That I shall forever be 我會永遠堅持下去 You're on your own but not alone 你雖獨自一人卻絕不孤單 When you're down and you're 買房子rife 當你窮困潦倒 When the world tells you no-one cares 當世界上沒人在乎你 You can rest assured I'm always there 你可以放心 我始終在這裡 Even when you feel like you don't belong 即使你覺得無依無靠 Even when you fall and it all goes wrong 即使你覺得命運乖舛 You know that 賣屋I'm with you 你知道我就在你身旁 That I'm with you all the time 一直守候著你 Say a little prayer for the restless heart 為不安的心祈禱吧 We shall never ever drift apart 我們將永不分離 Know that I'm with you 你知道我就在你身旁 Know that I'm with you 你知道我就在太平洋房屋你身旁 With you all the time 一直守候著你 Save a little love for me You'll see 為我保留一點點愛 你就會明白 Save a little love for me You'll see 為我保留一點點愛 你就會明白 Save a little love for me You'll see 為我保留一點點愛 you'll see 你就會明白 Even when 居酒屋you feel like you don't belong 即使你覺得無依無靠 Even when you fall and it all goes wrong 即使你覺得命運乖舛 You know that I'm with you 你知道我就在你身旁 That I'm with you all the time 一直守候著你 Say a little prayer for the restless heart 為不安的心祈禱吧 We 景觀設計shall never ever drift apart 我們將永不分離 Know that I'm with you 你知道我就在你身旁 Know that I'm with you 你知道我就在你身旁 With you all the time 一直守候著你

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